For six years, Bald Eagle pairs turned up their beaks at the old eagle nest tree that had been occupied for almost two decades on the northwest corner of Gratiot Lake. For some reason, the real estate looked more enticing this year, and a new nest was built in that old nest tree. This pair successfully raised two young (which my husband, Jim, never tired of photographing). Because this nest is near my home, we had a good opportunity to both see and hear these noisy, robust youngsters as they matured.
One of our noisy neighbors. Photo courtesy of Jim Hay.
Because Bald Eagles are an Endangered Species Act success story and are no longer on that list, eaglets are no longer routinely banded at Gratiot Lake. So, there was no way to be certain of their sexes (females are larger than males). One thing was evident, the two appeared to enjoy each other’s company an remained glued to each other long after they fledged and flew.
Fledged Eaglet. Photo courtesy of Jim Hay.