Please consider donating to our mission. Donations of $100 or more receive an exclusive gift of note cards featuring stunning photos taken at Gratiot Lake! (Please let us know if you would prefer not to receive this premium.) All donations go towards funding Gratiot Lake Conservancy, GLC programs, education, and land acquisition and stewardship. Your contribution is tax deductible.
Donations and Membership contributions can be made in three ways:
Online through new WildApricot Affinipay portal.
With check by mail.
Donation of securities (reach out to GLC directly)
Through the Keweenaw Community Fund (see below)
Robin Meneguzzo, Executive Director KCF
236 Quincy St.,
Hancock, MI 49930
(phone) 906-369-1120
When mailing in donations to KCF also be sure to earmark the donation for the “Gratiot Lake Conservancy Fund.”
Click on the blue button below to be directed to our new, secure online donation/membership portal
Download and print the donation/membership form below by clicking the “Mail In” button below. Fill in and mail with a check to:
P.O. Box 310
Mohawk, MI, 49950
Gratiot Lake Conservancy thanks all past volunteers and looks forward to the next opportunity to show support. Throughout the year there will be opportunities to volunteer. Please be on the lookout on the Program and Events page for your chance to volunteer.
Thank you for supporting Gratiot Lake Conservancy!
Use the Blue Button below to make a secure credit or debit card donation or membership payment online now.