NIGHT SKY WATCH has been RESCHEDULED for August 10th due to prediction of heavy cloud cover and possible rain on original date. Registrants will receive information about the rescheduled date. Registrants watch your emails from Open Skies Project and Sign-up Genius for further info.
This night sky viewing gathering will provide you a great chance to view and photograph constellations, Perseid meteor shower, the Milkyway galaxy, and maybe even an aurora if we are lucky! The top of Mount Horace Greeley is the highest point in the Keweenaw and has very little light pollution, so don't miss this chance to see some amazing views of the night sky!
The event is presented by GLC in collaboration with the Open Skies Project and is free of charge. RSVP requested. Rain/Cloud date August 10. Reservations are necessary to confirm details and alert to change of date. Sign up through the Open Skies Project event listing on Open Skies website Registration will allow you to receive notification of cancellation or date change and event details and confirmation to be sent.
Flashlight (with lens covered in red transparent film) (We will have some film on hand for you.)
Insect repellent
Lawn Chairs/blankets to sit on
Drinking Water
Dress for the weather!
Directions: Parking will be on a wide paved driveway slightly near the viewing field. Park between 9:30 and 10 pm while it is still light. You will be directed to parking area and viewing site. Keeping light to a minimum will allow eyes to adjust for better dark sky viewing. There will be a port-a-potty onsite. No water available onsite.